Hello my dearest ones!
I hope you are all doing well and weathering the summer heat with some degree of comfort and ease (we are geographically pretty spread out, but those of you that live in New England know what I’m talking about).
My summer has largely been doing school work and gearing up for my move to Rhode Island next month, but there’s also been ample time spent gardening, eating ice cream, hiking, visiting with friends, swimming in the river, and generally doing the fun things that one associates with summer in VT.
While I’m enjoying some time away from teaching weekly public classes, I do want to let you all know that there is a new FREE CLASS available on my website. This 60 MINUTE FLOW weaves repetitive, strengthening sequences together with a focus on respiration. You will leave class moving with more ease and mobility and feeling more in touch with the vital life force that is the breath.
If you feel like you’re still looking for something different, please access my FREE CLASS LIBRARY and check out those offerings.
Much love to you all and, as always, never hesitate to reach out.