new free 20-MInute flow for stress relief
SURPRISE! Happy Thursday, everyone. I hope you all have a beautiful day. I’m just sending a quick note to you all to let you know that there is a new FREE CLASS available on my website…
New FREE Flow for Strong Legs!
This hour-long intermediate flow uses powerful movement and pranayama (breathwork) to help build strength, mobility, and flexibility in the hips and the legs…
New flow for focus ~ Free on my website!
New FREE CLASS available on my website. This hour-long intermediate flow uses balance and our sense of spatial awareness to nurture feelings of stability and focus…
Ankle-Focused Full-Body Flow ~ FREE On My Website!
New FREE CLASS available on my website. This class is an hour-long intermediate flow focused on mobilizing, strengthening, and stabilizing our ankle joints. Perfect for runners, hikers, skiers that are getting ready for the season, and anyone that is looking to move through life with a little less wobble…
New free class available on my website!
New FREE CLASS available on my website. This class is an hour-long intermediate flow focused on turning inward, alleviating stress and anxiety, dispelling negative energy, and cultivating a sense of groundedness to carry with you throughout your day…
Free Classes On My Website Starting Today!
Happy belated September, everyone. If last summer was an exercise in learning to be with yourself, be in nature, and enjoy the slowness of silence - this past summer was just the opposite…
Check out my new website!
Dear Friends, Between school, impending summer, lifting restrictions, and general life stuff, I have not been as consistent with these newsletters as I would like to be…
Patience, Perspective, and Happy Mother's Day!
The last few weeks have been busy for me. Grad school finals, post-vaccine-trip planning, a couple of important decisions to make, and the beginning of the REFRESH & RESET program…
Usually talk of resetting your routine and implementing healthy habits is reserved for New Year’s resolutions. It’s all well and good at 11:55pm when you’re hopped up on champagne and adrenaline…
REFRESH & RESET ~ Early Bird Pricing Ends This Week!
Over the past year, I have grown increasingly grateful for the friendships in my life that have endured the test of time. Elissa and I have known each other for (almost literally) our entire lives…
REFRESH & RESET ~ And join me for yoga this week!
Join me and my dear friend, Elissa Narowski, to REFRESH & RESET your routine! Over the course of four weeks we will come together to share the process of rebuilding healthy habits, mindsets and routines with a community of like-minded people…
Yoga this Week! ~ And taking time to be present...
I took this picture as my sister and I traveled along Skyline Drive at golden hour on our way back from our family’s farm in Virginia…
Yoga this Week! (And a change of scenery...)
Back in September, I had just started my graduate program, had just moved, was feeling the onset of covid-fatigue, and was generally not in a great place mentally and emotionally…
Yoga this Week! ~ Updates and Offerings
Happy Monday! Welcome to a new week. Here in New England the past few days have been a much needed reminder that spring is indeed making its way to us after this long Covid winter…
Join me for yin yoga tonight…
This week, I’ll be offering a yin yoga practice. Yin Yoga is a grounded practice in which we hold poses for extended periods of time aided by the support of the ground beneath us…
Restorative yoga coming Soon…
For many of us, a full year of pandemic life has left our sympathetic nervous systems in overdrive—a baseline state of “fight or flight”…